this is my third self-produced video, for a remix of the track ‘taking flight’, shot entirely in the back room where i do most of my recordings
i did three takes, one middle distance, one close up and the other very close up, in an attempt to create some variety, being careful to keep my eyes out of shot. i’m not sure why i started turning my body, but it provided me with some good, reusable clips to intersperse in the non-singing parts and helps tie the video together. when it came to editing the clips i really liked the very close up footage, as my mouth and beard look like some kind of gook next to the mic. however, the colours were a bit dull, perhaps due to indoor lighting and backlight, so i played around with the gamma control. this transformed the curtains, giving them a psychedelic glow. then i tried a few effects and discovered that the echo one was particularly effective on moving objects, like my turning body, whilst keeping any still objects normal
for the audio, i dropped some dubby beats over the floating track and added an eerie synth and sound effects here and there
i produced both the video and the remix together and i think this unifies the sound and vision
you can download ‘taking flight 2014 remix’ and ‘midnight train 2014 remix’ for free by subscribing to my posts
taking flight 2014 remix video on vimeo
taking flight 2014 remix on soundcloud